Packing Cookies for Shipping


Nothing warms the hearts of out-of-town relatives and friends similar receiving a package from dwelling. And when the parcel contains a pretty tin packed with home-baked cookies, their delight is undeniable. To ensure the mouth-watering morsels are at their all-time upon inflow, review these packing pointers. Bake and completely cool cookies just before packing and shipping and so they're as fresh as possible. Determine which cookies to mail based on their fragility. Many bars, brownies and drop, refrigerator and sandwich cookies are fairly sturdy and travel well. Some cutouts and shaped varieties are a trivial more frail and more probable to break. Cookies requiring refrigeration are poor choices to transport considering they'll spoil. To help the cookies stay fresh and intact, wrap them in bundles of two (for drib cookies, place their bottoms together) with plastic wrap. It's best to wrap bars individually. Pack well-baked and soft cookies in separate tins. If they're packed together, the wet from the soft cookies volition seep into the crisp cookies, making them lose their crunch. Consider shipping soft cookies by express mail service so they'll exist moist upon inflow. To help retain the best flavor, don't put strong-flavored cookies (like gingersnaps) and balmy-flavored ones (like sugar cookies) in the same tin. Line a festive tin or box with crumpled waxed paper to aid absorber the cookies. Snugly pack the cookies to within 1 inch of the top. Use crumpled waxed paper or bubble wrap to fill up any gaps betwixt the cookies. Add more than waxed newspaper or chimera wrap over the terminal layer to cushion the cookies and prevent them from shifting during shipping. Shut the tin can or box. Place a layer of crumpled paper, bubble wrap or foam aircraft peanuts in the bottom of a cardboard box that is slightly larger than your cookie can. Gear up the tin on tiptop, then add more than paper, bubble wrap or shipping peanuts. Seal the box tightly with tape, label the top and sides of the package \"Frail and Perishable\" and adhere a mailing label.